Leading Change

Here we talk about Dr. Kotter’s Leading Change model, He is renowned thought leader and Harvard Business School professor, developed this model after studying numerous organizations and observing their leaders; The model breaks down organizational change leadership into the eight change management steps:


  1. Establish a sense of urgency
  • Identify and discuss crises, potential crises or opportunities.
  • People need motivation to help. Without it, the effort goes nowhere.
  • Leadership at this step is crucial and thought is needed on how to manufacture and communicate this urgency.
  1. Put together a guiding team or coalition
  • Set up a key group of people to develop a shared commitment to the change.
  • Without a powerful guiding coalition, apparent progress can happen for a while but not long term.
  1. Create a Vision and Strategy
  • Create a vision for change and get the vision right. If we can’t communicate the vision to someone in 5 minutes or less and get a reaction signifying understanding and interest, we are not done with this phase.
  • This vision should then radiate out and other strategies be realigned, including leadership, people practices and policies, structure, training and development, and talent management.
  1. Communicate the Changed Vision
  • Use all possible communication channels to update about new vision and strategies.
  • The guiding coalition teaching new behaviors and leading by example.
  1. Empowering people to act on the vision
  • Removing obstacles to change.
  • Changing systems or structures that seriously undermine the vision.
  • Encouraging risk taking and non-traditional ideas, activities and actions.
  1. Generate short term wins
  • Plan for and create short-term wins. Have some short-term goals to meet and celebrate. It makes for compelling evidence towards the long-term goal.
  1. Consolidate and enable more change
  • Using increased credibility to change systems, structures and policies that don’t fit the vision.
  • Hiring, promoting, and developing employees who can implement the vision.
  • Reinvigorating the processes with new projects, themes and change agents.
  1. Anchor new approaches
  • Creating the connections between new behaviors and corporate successes.
  • Developing channels to ensure Leadership development and succession.

Accelerate (XLR8): Building Strategic Agility for a Faster-Moving World   

Accelerate: Building Strategic Agility for a Faster-Moving World ^ 16954A new book by Kotter, advocates a new system—a second, more agile, network-like structure that operates in concert with the hierarchy to create what he calls a “dual operating system”—one that allows companies to capitalize on rapid-fire strategic challenges and still make their numbers.


Accelerate enhances the process by including four change principles:

  1. Leadership + Management — Managers must support the change required by leadership in order for it to be successful.
  2. Head + Heart — Data and logic alone are unlikely to motivate people to adopt a new process or tool. Clearly present how they will personally benefit from the alteration in order to make what’s new more appealing or, even better, desirable.
  3. Select Few + Diverse Many — You need a core group of supporters from different levels of the hierarchy and with varied job experiences. Prepare to recruit support from multiple levels of management, including those closer to the employees whose day-to-day work is most affected by the transformation.
  4. “Have To” + “Want To” — Transitions run more smoothly — and faster — when those affected by it want it to happen.

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