Liberating Structures – Creating Innovation Culture

You remember Jedi Master Yoda’s powerful message ?

You must unlearn what you have learned               “

What we have learnt, we have learnt- but there are times when we need to unlearn certain habits, skills and beliefs, to foster the progress, change our mindset and ways of doing things…. we know ! that innovations cannot be created by the same kinds of practices… to explain more…The most commonly used (we are well aware off !), “traditional” micro-structures are presentations, open discussions, managed discussions, status reports, and brainstorming sessions. These are designed for teaching, convincing, debating, brainstorming, and controlling, which results is disengaged audiences, power dynamics, and competition for attention.

We thank Henri Lipmanowicz and Keith McCandless for developing Liberating Structures, which come to rescue above situation, purpose is to liberate energy, tap into collective intelligence, stimulate creativity, and get surprisingly better results by engaging people and unleashing the power of self-organization. Liberating Structures are a growing collection of group processes and methods that make it easy and quick for members of any group to radically change how they interact and work together.

Though I got to know these little late! I invested time and started using few of them in my professional and personal activities; also organizing local workshops to unleash power of liberating structures….

As on today, we have 35 liberating structures shown below.

A list of the 35 Liberating Structures to use

And my quick picks are six Liberating Structures which i started using at work…

I suggest everyone to check purpose of each Liberating Structure and try with simple ones to start…all the best !

CategoriesAgile Leadership

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